End-Buyer Research: Companies With 501-1,000 Employees

ASI Research has launched a new series profiling the people distributors work with most closely: end-buyers. Each week we’ll release a new data set that spotlights one of eight markets and looks at end-buyers through demographics such as gender, region and company size.

Read the previous entries in our End-Buyer research series.

Companies with more than 500 employees may make up a relatively small segment of registered companies in the U.S., but they account for more than half of the country’s GDP, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Market research from the North American Industry Classification System reports that some of the largest industries among this end-buyer business demographic include hospitality, computer programming/software and healthcare.

According to ASI’s 2024 end-buyer research, companies with 501-1,000 employees are especially enthusiastic about promo – they spend more of their marketing budget (41%) on promo than any other company size, and six in 10 plan to increase promo spend next year. Items like office accessories, blankets/towels and awards/trophies are more likely to be these end-buyers’ top promo picks than at other company sizes.

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